Speaking Engagements

Over the years I’ve had the opportunity to learn a lot of great stuff. I have been able to do so, due to others sharing what they know. For that reason, I enjoy sharing back with others what I can. My interests include Microsoft Azure, DevOps, Continuous Delivery, and software architecture. If you are looking for someone to speak at your event, feel free to contact me at speaking-at-henrybeen-dot-nl.

Current and previous speaking engagements include:

Upcoming Engagements


September 16th or 17th, Swetugg GöteborgThe art of getting 💩 done

Previous Engagements


July 4th, Developer Week ’24The art of getting 💩 done

June 6th, IgooConf 2024: Midsummer – What’s new with Azure Bicep?

May 25th, DotNet Saturday – Wat is er nieuw in Azure Bicep?
May 16th, European Cloud Summit – Securing access to your Azure environments

April 17th, Future Tech ’24 The art of getting 💩 done

February 8th, https://swetugg.se/sthlm-2024 – Passwordless authentication on Azure: the answer to building more secure solutions


December 1st, .NET Friday – The art of getting 💩 done

November 17th, DevOn Super Tech Friday – Bicep: What’s new?

October 26th, DevNet Noord 2023 – Passwordless authentication on Azure: the answer to building secure solutions
October 4th, Cloud Republic – Future of Cloud – Designing a secure IAM strategy for your Azure environments

June 29th, Developer Week ’23Infrastructure as Code with Bicep

May 23th, dotNed Saterday – Systeem-tot-systeem authenticatie zonder wachtwoorden, veiliger wordt het niet!

March 15th, Future Tech Conference – Managing engineering access to your Azure environments
March 15th, Covadis Developer Meetup – Infrastructure as Code met Bicep

February 1st, Pro Test MeetUp – Infrastructure as Code in Azure


December 13, Azure Developer Community Day 2022 – Bicep: Infrastructure as Code for Azure reinvented

November18th, Kariera Code Week – Passwordless authentication on Azure: the answer to building secure solutions

October 13th, NDC Sydney – Passwordless authentication on Azure: the answer to building secure solutions

September 17th, MaxCode Innovative Tech Talks – Bicep: Infrastructure as Code for Azure reinvented

July 6th, Developer Week ’22 – Logging, instrumentation, dashboards, alerts, and all that – for developers

June 21st, Future Tech 2022 – Bicep: Infrastructure as Code for Azure reinvented

May 24th, Techorama BE – Bicep: Infrastructure as Code for Azure reinvented
May 28th, .NET Saturday – Bicep: Infrastructure as Code for Azure reinvented

March 22rd, Azure Usergroup Denmark – Logging, instrumentation, dashboards, alerts, and all that
March 5th, Azure User Group Sweden – Bicep: Infrastructure as Code for Azure reinvented

February 23rd, ConFoo.CA – Bicep: Infrastructure as Code for Azure reinvented
February 24th, ConFoo.CA – Logging, instrumentation, dashboards, and alerts – for devs

January 26th,  .NET Conference 2022 – Bicep: Infrastructure as Code for Azure reinvented


October 21st, Azug BE – Bicep: Infrastructure as Code for Azure reinvented

September 30th, Covadis kennissessie Monitoring & Logging
September 21st, Dutch Cloud MeetUp– Bicep: Infrastructure as Code for Azure Reinvented
September 3th, Experts Live Austria– 
Logging, instrumentation, dashboards, and alerts – for developers

April 13th, Azure Live Infrastructure as Code: Azure Resource Manager – inside out

January 22th, 4Dotnet Conf 2021 – Testing and monitoring distributed applications build using Azure Functions, CosmosDB and Service Bus


October 20th, EuropeClouds Summit – Logging, instrumentation, dashboards, and alerts – for developers
October 2nd, MS Stage – Testing and monitoring distributed applications build using Azure Functions, CosmosDB and Service Bus

September 9th, Codecamp Online –  Infrastructure as Code: Azure Resource Manager – inside out

April 22st, DotNet Sheffield – Logging, metrics & tracing on Azure, with Application Insights
April 21st, Azure Community Live – Logging, metrics & tracing on Azure, with Application Insights

March 7th, Global Integration Bootcamp (Rotterdam) – Secure Development: Keeping Your Application Secrets Private
March 6th, Microsoft Techdays 2020 Helsinki – Logging, instrumentation, dashboards, and alerts – for developers

February 20th, Dutch .NET Group – Azure Resource Manager Templates – Getting started with Infrastructure as Code for Azure

January 25th, .NET Saturday – Logging, instrumentation, dashboards, and alerts – for developers


December 13th, CloudBrew – Logging, instrumentation, dashboards, and alerts – for developers

November 21st, DevOps Pro Moscow – Secure Development: Keeping Your Application Secrets Private
November 15th, Update Conference Prague – Secure Development: Keeping Your Application Secrets Private
November 14th, Update Conference Prague – Infrastructure as Code: Azure Resource Manager – inside out
November 7th, Serverless London – Continuous Deployment for Azure FunctionsOctober 18th, DevOps Stage
November 6h, Serverless London – Logging, Instrumentation, dashboards and alerts

September 26th, DevConf 2019 – Logging, instrumentation, dashboards and alerts for developers
September 25th, Cracow .NET group meetup – Infrastructure as Code: Azure Resource Manager – inside out

July 8th, .NET Amsterdam Meetup – Infrastructure as Code: Azure Resource Manager – inside out

June 26th, Azure Virtual Day – Logging, instrumentation, dashboards, and alerts
June 14th, SDN Event – Logging, instrumentation, dashboards, alerts, and all that – for developers
June 6th, Experts Live NL – Infrastructure as Code: Azure Resource Manager – inside out

May 22st, Full Stack Developer Conference Finland – Secure deployments: Keeping your secrets private
May 21st, Full Stack Developer Conference Finland – DevSecOps using Microsoft Azure and Visual Studio Team Services
May 21st, Full Stack Developer Conference Finland – How to build a multi-tenant SaaS application using 60.000 Azure SQL Databases
May 16th, Move Up with High Performance – Logging, instrumentation, dashboards, alerts, and all that – for developers

April 27th, Global Azure Bootcamp Glasgow – Logging, instrumentation, dashboards, alerts, and all that – for developers
April 27th, Global Azure Bootcamp Online – Logging, instrumentation, dashboards, alerts, and all that – for developers (pre-recorded)

March, 29th, AzureDay Poland 2019 – Logging, Instrumentation, Dashboards, Alerts for developers
March 20th, DevOps Pro Europe – Logging, Instrumentation, Dashboards, Alerts


December 11th, Amsterdam Secure Software Development Meetup – Managing secrets in the cloud

November 14th, IT NEXT Summit – Secure Develoyments: Keeping your application secrets private
November 13th, Microsoft DevOps User Group – DevSecOps using Azure and VSTS
November 2nd, QNH internal event – Azure, VSTS, DevOps: the cool stuff!

October 17th, CloudCamp Dublin – How to build a multi-tenant SaaS application using 60.000 databases
October 13th, CloudBrew Belgium – How to build a multi-tenant SaaS application using 60.000 databases
October 5th, DUUGFest 2018 – Secure Develoyments: Keeping your application secrets private

September, 18th, .NET DeveloperDays Poland – Secure Development: Keeping your application secrets private
September, 6th, Azure Thursday Meetup – Secure Development: Keeping your application secrets private
September, 6th, Azure Thursday Meetup – Writing, building and releasing your own VSTS extension

July 5th, Limburg Software Developers Meetup – Secure Development: Keeping your application secrets private
July 4th, 4DotNet Internal Event – Secure Development: Keeping your application secrets private

June 21st, Azure User Group NL – Secure development: keeping your application secrets private
June 19th, Experts Live NL – Deploy with confidence: continuous delivery for the IT Pro
June 15th, Software Development Network – Secure Development: Keeping your application secrets private

May 16th, Dotnet Amsterdam Meetup – Keeping your application secrets private

April 25th, IP EXPO Manchester – Focus on business value by going Serverless
April 19th, DevOps Meetup Utrecht – DevSecOps: Securing applications with DevOps
April 14th, Codemotion Rome – Building a multi-tenant application using 45.000 databases

February 22nd, Move up with Azure mini-conference – Azure DevOps with VSTS and Application Insights: Beyond Hello World!


October 12th, TechDays Netherlands – How to build a multi-tenant SaaS application using 30.000 Azure SQL Databases
October 6th, Topconf Duesseldorf – Moving forward with Legacy

September 27th, NISI – Introductie tot Continuous Delivery 3.0
September 6th, 4DotNet Internal Event – Moving to microservices: Building your own, custom application level logging Infrastructure in Azure

July 12th, Microsoft Inspire – Short guest presentation on “From ISV to SaaS provider”
July 6th, Studium Generale – Privacy and information hunger

April 18th, DevOps meetup – Continuous Delivery with TFS/VSTS

March 7th, SQL usergroup – 20.000 databases, no dba


October 26th, SQL PASS Summit – Azure SQL Data Warehouse customer stories from Early Adaptors

October 4th, MS Tech Days Netherlands – Building a simple, high throughput messaging infrastructure (Channel 9)

October 4th, MS Tech Days Netherlands – No DBA required: Building a multi-tenant solution on PaaS and Azure SQL (Channel 9)

September 2nd, Software Developers Nederland – Azure Data Factory

April 8th, Software Developers Nederland – Een rondje AzureSql